SaaS Agreements – FAQs – Data Processor

It is important for a SaaS supplier to understand the legal obligations imposed upon them as a data processor when negotiating a SaaS agreement and a data processing agreement (“DPA“) as the duties of a data processor are not the same as the duties of a data controller. In a SaaS relationship the supplier is always the data processor of the SaaS customer. The SaaS customer is always the data controller of the SaaS supplier. Who is a Data Processor Articel 4(8) of the GDPR defines a data processor as:

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – What SaaS Suppliers need to know about the GDPR

From the 25th of May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force and change existing data protection laws in all 28 EU member states. The GDPR will place direct obligations on SaaS suppliers (data processors) in relation to data processing activities. In addition customers (data controllers), their clients (data subjects) and local data protection authorities will be able to enforce breaches of the new rules directly against SaaS suppliers.

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SaaS Agreements – Terms and Conditions – Data Processing Agreement

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) UK SaaS suppliers currently have limited obligations to SaaS customers when processing personal data as part of their SaaS services. However, from the 25th of May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will impose numerous new data processing obligations on SaaS suppliers. In particular, the obligation for SaaS suppliers to enter into a written data processing agreement with SaaS customers and sub-contractors.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – New obligations for SaaS Customers

From the 25th of May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force and change existing UK data protection laws. The GDPR will place further more onerous obligations on SaaS customers (data controllers) in relation to all data processing. SaaS customers need to amend the terms of their existing SaaS agreements and privacy policies and implement the changes into internal policies and procedures in order to comply with the upcoming changes in UK data protection law.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – New Obligations for SaaS Suppliers

From the 25th of May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force and change existing UK data protection laws. The GDPR will place direct obligations on SaaS suppliers (data processors) in relation to data processing activities. In addition SaaS customers (data controllers) and their clients (data subjects) will be able to enforce breaches of the new rules directly against SaaS suppliers. SaaS suppliers need to amend the terms of their existing SaaS agreements in order to comply with the upcoming changes in data protection law.

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SaaS Agreements – FAQs – Data Controller

It is important for a SaaS supplier to understand the legal obligations imposed upon a data controller when negotiating a SaaS agreement as the duties of a data controller are not the same as the duties of a data processor. In a SaaS relationship the supplier is always the data processor of the SaaS customer. The SaaS customer is always the data controller. Below is a summary of the obligations of a data controller.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – New Proposed EU Rules – Part 2

On the 25th of January 2012 the European Commission published a proposal for a new Data Protection Regulation to replace the existing EU Data Protection Directive. The proposal sets out a general data protection framework aimed at unifying the current differing data protection rules in the EU. Following on from my first article – part 1, I have summarised the remainder of the major changes this will make to EU data protection law below.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – New Proposed EU Rules – Part 1

On the 25th of January 2012 the European Commission published a proposal for a new Data Protection Regulation to replace the existing EU Data Protection Directive. The proposal sets out a general data protection framework aimed at unifying the current differing data protection rules in the EU. I have summarised the major changes this will make to EU data protection law in two articles, part 1 of which is set out below.

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SaaS, ASP Agreements – Data Protection Issues with Sub-contractors – Standard Contractual Clauses

Using a sub-contractor to process your SaaS customer data is a problem under data protection law, where the sub-processor is based outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). Incorporating EU standard contractual clauses into your SaaS agreement is NOT the solution to this common problem. EU Standard Contractual Clauses Under data protection law personal data may only be transferred to countries outside of the EEA where there is adequate protection. In order to deal with the problem of transfers of personal data from a customer (data controller) in the EEA

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