SaaS Agreements – DORA – ICT Supplier Obligations

SaaS suppliers obligations under the Digital Operational Resilience Act,(“DORA”), (Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 on digital operational resilience for the EU financial sector), are effective from the 17th of January 2025. From this date DORA provisions must be included in contracts entered into between financial services entities subject to DORA and their third party providers of ICT Services. As SaaS suppliers are third party providers of digital and data services on an ongoing basis they will be third party providers of ICT services if their SaaS customers are regulated by DORA. Both

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – What SaaS Suppliers need to know about the GDPR

From the 25th of May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force and change existing data protection laws in all 28 EU member states. The GDPR will place direct obligations on SaaS suppliers (data processors) in relation to data processing activities. In addition customers (data controllers), their clients (data subjects) and local data protection authorities will be able to enforce breaches of the new rules directly against SaaS suppliers.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – Which law applies?

UK SaaS suppliers who provide cloud computing services to SaaS customers located outside of the UK are increasingly being required to comply not just with UK data protection law, but also the data protection laws of the countries in which the SaaS customer and its clients are based. This increasingly creates problems for SaaS suppliers, as data protection laws generally assume that data is stored/processed in one place. However when operating in the cloud data is often moved between jurisdictions and often it may be unclear exactly where data is being stored or processed and who is storing and processing it.

Two recent cases against Facebook and Google show the extent of this developing problem.

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