SaaS Agreement – Terms and Conditions – Limitation of Liability Invalid

Do you always ensure that your SaaS terms apply to contracts with customers. If not, the High Court has decided in Ghsp Inc v Ab Electronic Ltd that where two companies fail to agree on whose terms and conditions shall apply to an agreement, neither company’s terms can be enforced. This resulted in the supplier having unlimited liability to the customer for defective parts it had supplied.

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SaaS Agreements – Freedom of Information Act – Disclosure

Last week the Information Tribunal ordered a Government department to publish specific details of a major IT contract with Atos Origin, following an individual’s request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI). Pursuant to section 43 of the FOI, the Government body had refused to disclose the material requested on the basis that it was a trade secret and that disclosure would damage the commercial interests of the parties.

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SaaS Agreements – Need for an NDA prior to signing a SaaS Agreement

Need for an NDA
If prospects do not sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or confidentiality agreement prior to a SaaS supplier disclosing it’s business secrets and confidential information, the prospect will have no duty to keep this information confidential. An NDA should therefore include some basic legal clauses to protect your business if you win the sale and more importantly, if you don’t.

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SaaS, ASP Agreements – Liability for Website Content

SaaS suppliers must protect themselves in their SaaS agreement against a third party claiming compensation for breaches of their rights as a result of customers uploading illegal content onto the supplier hosted website. Service Providers and ISPs SaaS suppliers are service providers not internet service providers (ISP)s. SaaS suppliers publish content on the Internet on the websites they are hosting for customers. ISPs simply transmit information on behalf of customers i.e. telecommunications companies like AOL and BT and are acting as “mere conduits“. SaaS suppliers do not check content prior

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SaaS, ASP Agreements – Data Protection Issues with Sub-contractors – Standard Contractual Clauses

Using a sub-contractor to process your SaaS customer data is a problem under data protection law, where the sub-processor is based outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). Incorporating EU standard contractual clauses into your SaaS agreement is NOT the solution to this common problem. EU Standard Contractual Clauses Under data protection law personal data may only be transferred to countries outside of the EEA where there is adequate protection. In order to deal with the problem of transfers of personal data from a customer (data controller) in the EEA

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