SaaS Agreements – International Agreements – Interest on Late Payments

SaaS customers often delay payment of invoices. In order to protect your SaaS business and improve cash flow, SaaS suppliers usually include the right to claim interest on late payments in the terms of their SaaS agreement or rely on their statutory right to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (Act”). However, following the decision in Martrade Shipping and Transport GmbH v United Enterprises Corporation SaaS suppliers should be aware of the limitations of relying upon the Act, particularly where the SaaS customer or SaaS supplier is a non UK entity.

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Interest from Customers who Pay Late – BTB

In the current economic climate, business customers often deliberately delay payment of invoices. Protect your business and improve your cash flow, by exerting your right to claim interest on late payments. Is an interest clause required in the contract? No. There is no requirement to have an interest clause in your contract. You have a statutory right to claim interest on late payments from a business customer (BTB). The statutory interest rate applicable is the Bank of England Base Rate + 8%. At the time of writing the currently applicable

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