SaaS Agreements – FAQs – Cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on a user’s hardware device, such as a computer, tablet or mobile phone which record online activity. The majority of websites use cookies to measure visits and the use of websites (analytics cookies). Cookies are often also used to save user names, passwords and user preferences to make repeated use of a website more comfortable for the user. However, increasingly cookies are being used to collect information about users for the purposes of targeted marketing, tracking and other non essential purposes.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – Direct Marketing Rules

In September 2013 the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) published a lengthy guide to Direct Marketing. The guide covers compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR) in relation to the sending of unsolicited marketing. SaaS suppliers who are sending unsolicited marketing to SaaS customers and prospective customers should check their compliance with the guidance. Additionally, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has also published its own further supplemental guide which provides detailed guidance on how and when to obtain consent to marketing

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – Email Marketing and Consent

As a SaaS supplier you will undoubtedly be sending marketing emails in your own name to existing and potential clients to advertise your own products and services, or possibly as a SaaS service on behalf of a customer. In any event you should be aware that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued new guidance on direct marketing, with regard to complying with the Data Protection Act (DPA) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) both of which apply to sending direct marketing to consumers (BTC).

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Website Legal Requirements – Privacy Policy – Basics for your Website

If you are operating a website and require users to register in order to use your website or you are simply using Google analytics on your website then you are collecting and processing personal data. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, if you collect, store or process personal data you must provide specific information to the persons whose personal data you are using. This information is usually provided to users in a privacy policy which should be published on your website.

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