SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – Does your DPA and Sub-Processor List need updating?

Meta were fined 1.2 billion Euros for breaches of EU data protection law and for transferring personal data of EU users to the US despite, using standard contractual clauses, (SCCs), having in place supplemental measures and carrying out data transfer impact assessments, (DTIAs). Google has also been pursued in various EU member states for similar breaches.

In light of these decisions, SaaS suppliers should review their own data protection practices and documentation to ensure that they are up to date and comply with the current rules.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Retention and Deletion

In compliance with their respective obligations under the GDPR, SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers must only keep personal data for as long as necessary and as specified to data subjects. SaaS suppliers should include their obligations in relation to retention and deletion of personal data when acting as a data processor in their SaaS agreement and when acting as a data controller in their privacy policy.

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SaaS Agreements – GDPR – EU-US Privacy Shield Invalid

On the 16th of July 2020 the EU-US Privacy Shield was ruled invalid with immediate effect by the European Court of (“CJEU”). The steps that SaaS suppliers now need to take depend on the scale and type of international data flows and the transfer mechanisms used. If you rely solely upon the EU-US Privacy Shield for transfers to the US, you must replace the Privacy Shield with the EU Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCCs”).

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SaaS Agreements – FAQs – Data Processor

It is important for a SaaS supplier to understand the legal obligations imposed upon them as a data processor when negotiating a SaaS agreement and a data processing agreement (“DPA“) as the duties of a data processor are not the same as the duties of a data controller. In a SaaS relationship the supplier is always the data processor of the SaaS customer. The SaaS customer is always the data controller of the SaaS supplier. Who is a Data Processor Articel 4(8) of the GDPR defines a data processor as:

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SaaS Agreements – GDPR – Local Derogations

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) now applies to all SaaS customers and SaaS companies collecting or processing the personal data of individuals located within the EU. SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers must comply with the terms the GDPR. SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers should be aware that the GDPR does not however fully harmonise data protection law throughout the EU, as each EU country may introduce their own requirements in certain instances (“derogations”) under their own local data protection laws.

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SaaS Agreements – GDPR – US Companies

From the 25th of May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force and change existing UK data protection laws. The GDPR does not just apply to SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers located in the EU. The GDPR also applies extraterritorially, i.e. to SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers located outside of the EU, for example in the USA, as set out below.

GDPR Applies to US SaaS Customers and SaaS Suppliers

The GDPR will apply to SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers located in the USA if:

They offer goods or services to SaaS customers located within the EU; or
They monitor the behaviour of EU data subjects;

Even though the SaaS supplier or SaaS Customer is not located within the EU.

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SaaS Agreements – GDPR – The General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) will replace the existing EU Data Protection Directive and harmonise European data protection law from the 25th of May 2018. In the UK the GDPR will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 from the 25th of May 2018, regardless of “Brexit”. This will have a significant effect on both SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers who will need to comply with the terms of the GDPR. SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers must update all contractual documents that involve data processing, such as SaaS agreements, privacy policies and hosting and support agreements to comply with the new rules under the GDPR before the 25th of May deadline.

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SaaS Agreements – GDPR – New German Data Protection Law (BDSG)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will replace the existing EU Data Protection Directive and aims to harmonise European data protection law from the 25th of May 2018. In Germany, the Government has already amended the existing German Data Protection Act (BDSG) and from the 25th of May 2018 the New German Data Protection Act (New BDSG) and the GDPR will apply together.

Compliance with the New BDSG

Both SaaS suppliers and SaaS customers who provide services to German clients or who collect or process personal data of German data subjects on behalf of international SaaS clients, will need to comply with the terms of the New BDSG in addition to the terms of the GDPR. The New BDSG sets out derogations from certain parts of the GDPR and additional obligations.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – What SaaS Suppliers need to know about the GDPR

From the 25th of May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force and change existing data protection laws in all 28 EU member states. The GDPR will place direct obligations on SaaS suppliers (data processors) in relation to data processing activities. In addition customers (data controllers), their clients (data subjects) and local data protection authorities will be able to enforce breaches of the new rules directly against SaaS suppliers.

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