SaaS Agreements – Terms and Conditions – Exit Provisions

Increasingly SaaS customers are asking for detailed exit provisions to be included in the terms of SaaS agreements. Such requests usually cover the return of data, the provision of transition assistance and non-solicitation clauses. If such terms are not already included in your SaaS agreement it is advisable to add these in order to protect your interests upon termination of the customer relationship.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – Customer Privacy Policy

SaaS Customers often ask or expect SaaS supplier’s to provide them with a privacy policy for use in conjunction with their SaaS products. SaaS suppliers should firmly refuse such requests. Firstly, as they could face liability claims from the customer if the privacy policy is in appropriate and secondly while you will have no adequate knowledge of the issues set out below, which will need to be covered in the privacy policy.

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SaaS Agreements – Terms and Conditions – Email Marketing Rules

There are a number of guidelines and laws that have to be complied with when sending marketing emails and text messages in the UK. If you are a SaaS supplier who provides email marketing services as part of your SaaS services to customers you should ensure that your SaaS customers comply with the following rules and Regulations. Also do not forget that you may need to comply with the rules yourself when carrying out your own email marketing campaigns.

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SaaS Agreements – Data Protection – Anonymising Data

Often SaaS suppliers or SaaS customers anonymise personal data for use in statistical or marketing information but are unaware that by using such anonymised data they could be breaching the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently confirmed that anonymised personal data may be disclosed without the consent of the data subject, provided that the anonymised data when linked with other information will not lead to the identification of an individual.

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SaaS Agreements – Terms and Conditions – Online Sales

SaaS Agreements – Online Sales – Terms and Conditions

Many SaaS suppliers now conclude sales of SaaS products with customers online, usually by having customers “click” acceptance of the supplier’s terms and conditions on their website. When concluding online sales, SaaS suppliers need to ensure that their online terms and conditions include the following information, in order to create a legally enforceable SaaS agreement with the customer.

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