SaaS Agreements – Terms and Conditions – Data Processing Agreement

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) UK SaaS suppliers currently have limited obligations to SaaS customers when processing personal data as part of their SaaS services. However, from the 25th of May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will impose numerous new data processing obligations on SaaS suppliers. In particular, the obligation for SaaS suppliers to enter into a written data processing agreement with SaaS customers and sub-contractors.

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SaaS Agreements – SLA – Terms to Include

The above is a general guide to the terms to include in a SLA for a SaaS agreement. The degree of detail that you provide will largely depend upon the following:

The type of SaaS products and services you are supplying;
How much the customer pays for the SaaS product and services;
Whether the SaaS product is business critical i.e. online banking;
What is standard in that particular business area.

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Cloud based Software, Cloud based Technologies, Cloud based Services

If things go wrong, your data is lost and your customers start to move to your competitors – making a claim for breach of contract will not repair the damage already sustained to your finances and business reputation. These issues should be dealt with upfront, as part of the commercial negotiation process, with the assistance of an experienced specialist SaaS lawyer. Thereby your interests can be adequately covered to minimise the risks of the above scenario occurring.

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SaaS, ASP Agreements – FAQs – Security

What data security provisions need to be included in a SaaS agreement? Customer’s Security Obligations – These should be set out in the software licence. Access to the software and services should not be permitted to third parties without prior authorisation from the supplier. The customer should provide the following warranties:
– existence of adequate security measure to ensure access to the software and services does not breach the terms of the SaaS agreement

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