SaaS Agreements – Need for an NDA prior to signing a SaaS Agreement

Need for an NDA
If prospects do not sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or confidentiality agreement prior to a SaaS supplier disclosing it’s business secrets and confidential information, the prospect will have no duty to keep this information confidential. An NDA should therefore include some basic legal clauses to protect your business if you win the sale and more importantly, if you don’t.

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Benefits of SaaS and Cloud Computing

The benefits of SaaS (software as a service) applications to customers are numerous. They include: customer collaboration access anytime/anywhere, no need to install programmes and updates, number of users can be increased or decreased easily more functions and modules can be quickly and easily added reduced need for internal IT

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Cloud based Software, Cloud based Technologies, Cloud based Services

If things go wrong, your data is lost and your customers start to move to your competitors – making a claim for breach of contract will not repair the damage already sustained to your finances and business reputation. These issues should be dealt with upfront, as part of the commercial negotiation process, with the assistance of an experienced specialist SaaS lawyer. Thereby your interests can be adequately covered to minimise the risks of the above scenario occurring.

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Cloud Computing and the Legal Cloud

What is Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a new and rapidly expanding delivery model, often used to supply IT services to customers via the Internet. Cloud computing involves the sharing of resources, software and information on the Internet for users to use on their computers and other devices, on-demand.

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